Orginal tekst på lillehammerkommune.com
29.09.18 Alt som er på den websiden er sant og kan bevises gjennom brev og lydopptak
Dette er hvordan BVT, fylkesmann og politi fungerer i Lillehammer
1 BVT strippet barnet vårt naken uten tillatelse eller orientering. Grunnlag: jente kysset en gutt i barnehagen.
2 Klage til fylkesmann Tunnheim.
3 Tunnheim er venn med BVT ledelse/kvalheim.
4 Tunnheim sier at BVT er feilfri og jeg kan aldri klage igjen og de har bedre ting å gjøre.
5 Laget websiden Lillehammerkommune.com.
6 BVt kommer med bevæpnet politi for å prate med min 8 år gammel sønn, (for å skremme meg til å stenge websiden).
7 Tar bilder av BVT og politi på min eiendom (BVTs mening var å intimidere meg og de var veldig sint men jeg var ikke redd).
9 Fant ut at BVT ansatt Nylund satte masse negative opplysninger om sine egne barn på nettet.
10 Nylund (BVT ansatt) anmeldte meg for å sette linkene til bildene hun hadde satt på nettet selv.
11 Politi arresterer meg og tar mobilen min og pc.
12 politi slipper meg fri hvis jeg lover å fjerne websiden.
13 Skriver på websiden at politi tvinger meg til å fjerne websiden.
14 Politi prøver å arrestere meg hver dag for en uke.
15 Jeg må forlate Norge for å unngå trakassering fra politi.
16 Nylund slutter å jobbe hos BVT pga min webside.
17 Tunnheim har ikke lov å jobbe på BVT saker hos fylkesmannen mer pga hun er venner med BVT ledelse også pga min webside.
18 Fylkesmannen ombestemmer seg og sier BVT oppførte seg ulovlig ang min webside.
19 BVT ber om unnskyldning ang min webside.
20 Anmelder Lillehammer politi for trakassering, forfalsking, og stans på ytringsfrihet.
21 Sørby (politi sjef) nekter, etter at jeg har gjort ca. 100 forsøk, å fortelle hva jeg har gjort feil og nekter å gi meg mitt rulleblad.
22 politiets spesialenhet forteller at jeg var arrestert for å har laget link til de bildene Live Nylund selv hadde lagt ut.
23 Politiets spesialenhet forteller meg at Lillehammer politiet ikke har gjort noe kriminelt.
24 Politiets spesialenhet forteller at jeg kan ta ut en sivilsak mot Lillehammer politiet.
25 Kan ikke ta opp sivilsak mot politiet pga Sørby nekte adgang til min mappe (catch 22)
26 Politi/Sørby nekter å svare, han sier jeg er ikke seriøs.
27 Fylkesmann/nekter å svare meg
28 BVT/Kvalheim nekter å svare meg men ringer min eks kjæreste og forfølger hun på you-tube i et forsøk å skremme henne så jeg fjernet den websiden til en syke dame.
29 jeg er flyktning på fjerde år pga BVT sine ulovlige aktiviteter, hvordan kan det være lovlig?
Så tvunget ut av Norge pga BVT gjøre ulovlige ting og jeg forteller om det, BVT lyver til politiet og politiet er fullstendig klar over at BVT lyver, og til slutt pga fylkesmann ansatt Tunnheim som jobbe med BVT saker, Tunnheim er beste venn med dem hun gransker, nemlig BVT, så BVT kan fortsette å prøve å angripe meg så jeg fjerner opplysning som de skammer seg over. Hvordan kan Fylkesmannen hjelpe BVT lyve og gjøre ulovlig ting pga de er venner?
Hvor mange andre har Tunnheim ulovlig gransket før hun var fjernet?
Hvorfor Lillehammer kommune har ikke en plikt til å rydde opp etter ulovlig oppførsel av sine ansatte?
Her har vi Korrupsjon, intimidasjon, forfalskning, lyving og nepotisme
Lillehammer Barnevern har tilstått at de har oppførte seg ulovlig og har blitt gransket av fylkesmannen i Lillehammer og BVT tvunget å be om unnskyldning (men aldri til meg) Men i sitt forsøke å dekke sin ulovlig aktiviteter de har tvunget meg fra Norge med bevæpnet politi, barnene mine har mistet far, Kjæresten min har mistet partneren sin, jeg har mistet hus og jobb hvordan kan dette være lovlig? Hvordan kan jeg bli tvunget ut av Norge for å sier ifra om BVT ulovlig aktiviteter som bli bekreftet ulovlig av Fylkesmannen etter Tunnheim en personlig venn til BVT ledelse kvalheim bli fjernet?
BVT gransket meg pga min datter på 7 år kysset en gutt på barnehagen same som alle andre jente i gruppen hennes ifølge barnehagen leder, på dette grunnlag de kjørt min jente og gutt vekk strippet dem naken og tatt bilder uten å orienter meg og skremte vet av ungene mine.
Dette var ulovlig men Magni Reistad og Anette Kvalheim fra BVT insistert at de kunne gjøre dette, senere dette viste seg å være en løgn.
Så klart jeg anklage BVT til fylkesmann for overgrep mot barn ikke sant? Ei saks behandler som heter Tunheim sa BVT hadde ikke gjøre noe feil, Tunnheim sa videre at jeg kan aldri klage til fylkesmannen igjen og at fylkesmannen hadde viktige ting å gjøre og til slutt Tunheim ga BVT 3 ekstra mnd. til å granske oss pga jeg klaget, etter at jeg offentlig gjøre BVT aksjoner på min websiden lillehammerkommune.com Fylkesmann plutselig fjerne Tunheim fra ALLE BVT saker pga hun er personlig venn med ledelse (høre opptak da Tunnheim tilstå at hun har faktisk jobbet på BVT tjeneste på denne websiden) BVT/kvalheim og Tunnheim hadde altså diskutert min sak som venner. Tunnheim skal være nøytral ikke beste venner med de hun granske. Fylkesmann ta opp saken min igjen og bekrefte at BVTs aksjoner var nå plutselig ulovlig men da hadde BVT alredig tvunget meg ut av Norge med Bevæpnet politi i en forsøke å sette en munnkurv på meg.
BVT sa min websiden er ulovlig fordi jeg fortelle hva BVT gjøre i forhold til min barn selv om jeg hadde fjernet barna mine sine navner og hadde ingen bilder (dette betyr i virkeligheten at foreldre kan aldri fortelle hva BVT gjøre pga dette er barnemishandling).
Det viste seg at live Nylund (ei som som jobbet for BVT og kom til huset mitt en dag med bevæpnet politi for å prøve å tvinge meg å fjerne websiden min, dette var før Tunnheim var fjernet fra alle BVT saker) hadde satte bilder og navn på sin egen unger på nettet avisa og fortalte at sin egen barn spiste rå kjøtt og styrte husa og Live Nylund måtte har hjelp med dette.
Dette er jo klar hykleri så Jeg satt en link på min websiden til Live Nylund egen aktiviteter og hva hun hadde satt på nettet selv.
Live Nylund under instruks fra BVT sa til politi at jeg ta bilder av hennes barn og poste på internett (dette påstand visste jeg ikke før i år pga politiet har nektet å fortelle meg hva jeg var arrestert for), dette var selvsagt en løgn Live Nylund hadde satte alle bildene selv på nettet samen med god morgen Norge og flere aviser.
Lillehammer politi arrestert meg umiddelbar men vil ikke fortelle meg hvorfor, de sa jeg må fjerne websiden min lillehammerkommune.com ellers vil politiet gjøre livet uutholdelig i Norge for meg, til slutt som lovet politi tvunget meg fra Norge e med å prøve arrestere meg hverdag i ukevis.
Politi sjefen Sørby nekte å fortelle meg Hva jeg gjorde feil, men etter at jeg anmeldt Lillehammer politi til politiets spesielt enhet fikk jeg en brev fra de som stå at Lillehammer politi hadde påstått at det var jeg som hadde satt bildene av Nylunds barn på nettet det var ganske tidlig å se at Live Nylund hadde posted disse bildene selve jeg hadde satt linkene til hva Nylund hadde posted selv heile poeng min var at BVT ansatt sette full navn, bilder og personlig opplysning av sin egen barn på nettet men det er ulovlig for meg å fortelle hva de gjøre pga det er dårlig for min egen barn.
Politiet viste uten tvil at Nylund hadde vært med dette selv men valgt å lyge og bruke det som en påskudd å tvinge meg å fjerne websiden.
Ingen ytringsfrihet i Norge uten stor konsekvenser i forhold til BVT og politiet.
Ta gjerne kontakt på tlf 00 47 (0)7482411033
E-mail gjensen34@hotmail.com
Remember to open a new page on phones/tablet click on the three lines on the top right bellow the lillhammerkommune.com logo.
Hear BVT lies on tape!! now!! I am slowly putting all recorded lies and comments on my website starting with amongst others Knut Glad, Magni Reistad, Helga Tunheim, Anette Kvalheim, Heidi Linderud.
Arrested and Driven away by armed police because I dared to speak the truth about Lillehammer commune BVT (child protection services), then harassed every day in my own home until they made life unbearable and forced me to leave Norway.
All conversations were recorded and I can prove everything that is written bellow I challenge anybody to prove otherwise.
1 Why because the children’s mother walked with a limp (she has severe degenerative arthritis and is using chemo injections to counter act this) BVT knew this to be true from earlier.
2 my son said boobs, bottoms, and my daughter tried to kiss another child in nursery, BVT Lillehammer say this extreme sexualised behaviour, the nursery does not agree and said that then every child who goes to nursery must also have strong sexualised behaviour.
On this basis Heidi Linnerud sent Magni Reistad, they kidnapped my children in a private car marched them from school and nursery, took them away striped them naked and took pictures without my knowledge or consent.
I tried to contact Reistad but she would not answer my question she broke appointments time after time, out of frustration I made this website, the BVT Lillehammer where quick to react they sent a threatening letter signed by Heidi Linnerud and Magni Reistad saying if I do not remove this website then they would make things much worse for me, they came to the house early the next day with armed police, Magni Reistad and Live Nylund were also there (see photo) they said that they always do this and it was to check the children where ok, they asked my son what he thought about my website he did not know what they were talking about, Magni Reistad was clearly saying we are here because of this website and showed no concern for my children’s well being no question were asked about how they were she did not even talk to my daughter they stormed of angry when they saw that I was recording all the evidence on tape and taking pictures.
The police told me that Reistad had reported my website as a private person after Heidi Linnerud had instructed her to do so.
The police said my site was legal.
Reistad appealed.
The police said my site was legal again.
Somebody saw my website and contacted me and said it was strange that Live Nylund who I do not know and is not on my case had come to my house and tried to intimidate me to removing the website, when she had plastered her own daughters face and full name all over the internet and been on TV2 saying her daughter rules the house I thought this was a fair point she is a social worker after all, so I made a link to TV2 website as proof.
Armed police arrested me drove me away took my phone and pc they said Liv Nylund was scared of me because of the link (See below) they told me that Reistad and Nylund where on the sick and they were blaming me (Why the police chose to tell me about their mental condition I do not know) I find it strange that BVT would employ people who intimidate children with police visits and as soon as they are challenged they develop mental issues and are immediately taken of the case, if this represents the kind of people Lillehammer council is employing to do sensitive child welfare work I find it shocking.
Armed police started coming to the house every day I was scared for myself and my children, day after day they came to the house trying to scare me into removing this website until eventually they broke me and forced me out the country it was horrific I’ve never been so scared in my life.
Now Lillehammer Commune has hired Knut Glad from Føyen and Torkildsen, apparently its ok to destroy my life, for armed police to arrest me, force me from my kids, assault my children without evidence break up my family make me lose my house and job, but they do not like me telling the truth or how people under their employment operate I am not making a comment on Reistads or Nylunds mental condition it was Lillehammer police who told me this which I would have thought was private information, well stop abusing your power and I will not have anything to write about. What are you going to threaten me with now you have taken away from anything I have ever loved?
The lawyer Mr Glad knows I’m in the UK and he can’t force me to remove this site, what he said is that I will lose the case in my absence and be forced to pay expenses if I come back to Norway, he said that Lillehammer commune was paying him and the full power of the state was behind him and he would ruin me economically if I do not remove this site, well he will earn his money, but he is a bit late for threats now.
If Lillehammer council had tried, communicating with me before attacking my family with armed police maybe be this could have been avoided.
Leading expert in BVT Professor Marianne Skånland says that BVT is wrong in 99% of the cases she has investigated, and if they are correct it’s no better than chance, she says don’t fall into the trap of falling at your knees, she goes onto say that Norway is at the bottom of human rights breaches in the family in Europe.
Anette Kvalheim leader of child support services had this to say at 2 meetings I had with her:
*The first meeting armed police were present when I asked why she said they did not like my tone of voice.
I asked what about the letter they forged she said it came from another parent at “ Ro nursery” who were also been investigated by them.
She refused to let Reistad do any of the talking.
She said they were stopping the investigation and we were free.
*At the next meeting there were no armed police when I asked why she said they didn’t need them today I said but my voices is exactly the same today, she burst out laughing I said this might be funny to her but this is my life.
She changed her mind about the forged letter they wrote and said she did not say it was from another family being investigated. (Everything is on tape)
I asked why of the seven people I had talked to they all lied about it being illegal to record the conversation, she said they did not lie they didn’t know the law (well if they are lying or don’t know the law are as bad as each other)
She said she had changed her mind about stopping the investigation and we would be forced to go on courses of their choice that would only end when they decided I was ready or she would reopen the investigation in six months, my kids where devastated if she thought I am guilty of something why would she wait 6 months if she thought she was putting my children in danger, makes no sense?
Kvalheim when asked why they had used 2 months of the investigation on trying to stop my website said she did not care or know about this website, and that it was Heidi Linnerud who had instructed Reistad to try and put a mussel on me, on closer examination Linnerud had signed the letter (se threatening letters) but had written kvalheims name, even if she does disagree with Linnerud tactics she must take responsibility when her staff are signing in her name and not try and blame others no way for the leader to behave.
Kvalheim said there is a direct link between this website and my children’s wellbeing in other words remove this website or else.
They have investigated us for 18 months without finding any evidence. 3 months in secret.
Both I and the mother of my children are nurses we have both been police checked to work with vulnerable individuals in Norway and the UK but the people investigating us from the Lillehammer council have not, what a strange world.
Please send me any experiences you have had with this person, maybe together we can stop attacks on our children by inexperienced power sick individuals.
Thank you for your timeRead BVT De snakker aldri sant av Professor Skånland.

Magnei Reistad with the police, well she threatened to esculate the situation if i do not remove this website and she did.
Asolutly disgusting.
Magni Reistad and Live Nylund with the police to scare me to remove this site, you are one sick lady scaring our kids like that.

Magnei Reistad with the police, well she threatened to esculate the situation if i do not remove this website and she did.
Asolutly disgusting.
Reistad and co forged a letter and said it was from a concerned parent see “letters showing BVT are liers”

All of this because an 8 year old boy has mantioned boobs and bottoms, and a 6 yearold girl has tried to kiss a boy, go back to school Reistad then every child in Norway needs a visit from you.
Live Nylund, klare ikke å passe på sitt eget barn men hun bestemme over andre sitt barn.
Top bilda er dette Nylund har lagt ut selv, nede er bilda norsk politi jaget meg ut av Norge for (ifølge advokten min) men jeg har jo fjernet barnet, noe som Nylund har ikke gjort selv???? Live Nylund says that she can’t even manage her own child but she now decides what happens to other people’s children, what ’s more, she plasters her child’s name and photo over the internet but thinks this site is so bad for my children that I need police visits until I remove this website what hypocrisy. Read more here*And here*and here*and here*and here*and here*and here*and here*and here* But be quick Live and BVT are systematicly removing all the evidence from the internet.
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