A Norwegian visitor on Delight in Truth left this comment:
“It is standard procedure for barnevernet to try and coerce the wife into divorcing the husband. I know about another family where the parents divorced pro forma in order to get their children back.”
It was shocking to many of us to find out from Romanian senator Titus Corlatean who has been advocating for the Bodnariu family at the European Court of Human Rights and Norwegian embassy in Bucharest, that Barnevernet social workers have tried to bully the Bodnariu parents into divorcing. Apparently this may be standard procedure at the Child Protective Services in Norway. A similar tactic was used in other widely publicized cases, particularly cases involving citizens from India and from the Czech Republic.
Instead of counseling and helping families, their first move is to remove children without investigation, without warning, and without cultural or religious considerations.
Go nuclear, investigate later.
Barnevernet has been billed as a progressive organization which ultimately knows best what is good for children. But this monster is an anti-family bully in the business of destroying families, particularly ethnic or ethnically mixed Norwegian families.
It is a feared organization that has gone unchecked. People are afraid to come out and support victims of Barnevernet because of the looming implicit threat that their own children will be snatched away in return. A Romanian pastor living in Norway expressed his reluctance at signing petitions and taking to the streets because his 7-year-old may be confiscated. The Czech president has gone as far as labeling them as a “nazi organization.” This is perhaps why Delight in Truth started seeing profile pictures on Facebook with Norway’s flag covered with a swastika.
The Nazis snatched away the Jews. Barnevernet snatches away children.
Norway, is this the image you want to portray to the world?
Historically, you have a well-respected international reputation, but in the last few years you have allowed Barnevernet to ruin it!
Starting in early 2016, thousands of people will take to the streets across the world in front of your embassies to expose your human rights violations.
Let the Bodnariu children go home!
Any Norwegians willing to share this article?
Please share so the good people of Norway can find out about this and hold Barnevernet accountable.