Norway’s Child Welfare System, Barnevernet abducted Ishaan, a four week old baby from a young American Jewish mother and a young Nepalese father, Satish Ligal, who lived in Norway on a student visa studying Christianity.
Ishaan, known in the family as a «gift from God» was born on November 15, 2016 to a very proud Nepali-American family.
Four weeks later Ishaan was unlawfully seized by Norway’s Child Welfare System, Barnevernet.
The reason given for taking Ishaan is the young mother is bi-polar and suffers from post-partum depression, the latter, a very common manifestation in mothers after they deliver their babies.
This family was also targeted and bullied, like many others in Norway, because of their Christian faith, in a Norway which claims to be an example of tolerance and inclusiveness for the rest of the world to follow.
I always wondered why doesn’t the Pentecostal church, for example, stand up for persecuted Christian families in Norway. I got my answer through the course of last year.
Many friends of mine attend churches in Oslo and around the country and many asked their Pastors/leaders – why the silence?
The answer they often gave was because of the fear of losing their own children if they speak and/or for being indirectly responsible for a family in their congregation losing their children for trivial reasons. I found that shocking and still do.
When will this systematic abusive behaviour stop? Going by previous cases, Barnevernet never accept or take any form of responsibility for their crimes. Every department within the Norwegian system covers for each other, working together in what could be considered as one of the most corrupt and undemocratic systems, in the modern civilised world. No wonder, Norwegians and the the rest of the world are starting to stand up to this beastly behaviour.
To read more from a lawyer’s perspective about this case, please click here:…/barnevernet-strikes-again-t…/
In 2016 Australian SBS Dataline reported on Norway´s stolen children here:…/datel…/story/norways-stolen-children.
In 2016, the BBC also reported on the abusive behaviour by Norway’s CWS here:
In 2016, French TV Arte reported on how Norway’s CWS is tearing able and caring families apart:…
FoxNews also reported on the ‘gung-ho children snatching’ culture in Norway:…/norway-accused-human-rights-abuses…
This Notice of Concern, addressed to the Norwegian Minister of The Department for Children, Equality and Inclusion, has been signed by more than 200 Norwegian professionals; about. 30 Psychologists, 50 Lawyers, a number GP’s and other Health Workers including Child Welfare Officers, Expert Witnesses and University Professors:
Gro Hillestad Thune is a Norwegian attorney and expert on Human Rights and was a member of the European Commission of Human Rights from 1982 to 1998. She commented:
”We see several examples which demonstrate how Norway’s CWS, Barnevernet has developed an authoritarian and closed system that exposes vulnerable children and families to abuse by the authorities.
We also hear of parents whose children have additional health challenges, such as Asperger, Tourette’s and ADHD, are too often not met with support or respect for their difficult parental tasks, but instead have their children taken away and are deprived of their parental rights.”
Marianne Haslev Skånland, Professor Emeritus, Bergen, Norway, suggests that Barnevernet has never left the ‘dark ages.’ She wrote:
«Norway’s CWS, Barnevernet continue in exactly the same dictatorial style as they have done for several decades. All that is different, is that with ever more money in their hands, Barnevernet extends its actions to even more families; they take more children than before from their parents. They always say, that they and their ‘system’ are altogether different now from what they were in ‘the dark ages.’ The dark ages, however, usually turn out to be around 1990, or 2000, or the years before 2010 or thereabouts.
Around the year 2000, people who saw what was going on in Norway, often said, «Compensation will be paid out for this in 50 or 30 years’ time.» More recently, we may forecast that what Barnevernet is doing now, will be eligible for compensation in 20 years, even in 10, perhaps.»
Norway 2017 – NOT safe for families.
#childabuse #norway