by Tomáš Zdechovský, Member of European Parliament
Believe in victory and victory shall believe in you.
I have already written a lot about Norwegian cases of children removed from their families and I am constantly finding more and more information indicating that there is something wrong with the Norwegian social system.
The article «De fleste barn hentes uanmeldt« from 2012 is bringing us another alarming finding about the Norwegian system. The article states that according to the study of Gunn Astrid Baugerund, a Norwegian psychologist, in eight cases out of ten, children were removed from their families without any advance warning. And it shows that there had to be something wrong with the system few years ago as well.
In her thesis, Gunn Astrid Baugerund was dealing with memories and stress reactions of neglected children placed into the substitute care by the Barnevernet. The psychologist was the first one who was deeply exploring the practice of the Barnevernet. She conducted hundreds of interviews with removed children, one week after their placement into the substitute care for the first time and after three months again. She was also present during the placements of the children and observed the level of their stress. The conclusion of the study was no surprise. It said that the planned placement of children was much less stressful for them and contrarily, the unplanned removal caused panic reactions connected with various traumas which children still recalled vividly after many months.
Read the whole article here