Ranveig Røtterud, a Norwegian Cellular Biologist states in an article titled “Do we really know what is going on in Barnevernet (Norway’s Child Welfare Service)?” that due to uncertain sources and unchallenged criticism, we are left with not knowing what’s really going on in the child welfare service. Røtterud also questions the deceptive nature of the Norwegian media when it comes to the reasons given for taking children away from their families. Røtterud writes (text translated):
In ‘TODAY’S MEDICINE’ (10/2019), Mari Trommald, the head of Bufdir (The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs), promotes an alarming assertion that «The health services fail/neglect the children in the child welfare system» (1). The statement is being met with a shrug of the shoulders from the health services – at least based on the impression from the reactions.
Is this a sign of the health services not caring about the child welfare children? Or, could it be that people have noticed the following: SSB statistics on Norway’s child welfare service show that the proportion of cases before the county councils that are justified by physical abuse, mental abuse, neglect, sexual abuse or «lack of caregiver» – the «obvious» reasons to make an emergency care decision, and the reasons given by the media as the only reasons for taking children out of their homes – are well below ten percent.
In 2017, these cases counted for 23 out of a total of 449 cases, equalling 5.1%. If we include cases of drug abuse, it increases to 75/449, which equals 16.7 per cent. No more. Thus, at least 83.3% are not cases where the decision is based on those conditions.
This corresponds to the experience from Kongsberg municipality, which, with a change in the way they treated the families, they reduced the number of emergency decisions by 90 per cent. Most care takeovers start with emergency decisions, so the number of external placements fell almost as much.
As a mother and health worker, child welfare interests me, and I have been following some of what is posted online. Many parents can confirm incorrect measures, especially care takeovers. The Kongsberg situation may indicate that the criticism is correct, and court decisions point in the same direction.
«Many parents are witnessing incorrect measures, especially emergency care decisions»
I have spoken with a 17-year-old who, against her will, lived at an institution even though she thought she had been doing fine at home; the takeover was due to a bullying issue at school. She did not get breakfast before she went to school, was never called in for dinner, never spoke to the other two residents at the institution, never experienced any nice social gathering where she lived. All leisure time was spent out and away from the institution.
Trommald has often said that «eight out of ten parents are satisfied with the child welfare services». I came across an article online about this. It shows, with links, that the report which the statement is based on, is cited incorrectly. Read for yourself, those of you who wish to (2).
Separating children from their parents without the children perceiving it as right is undoubtedly harmful to the children. In some cases, the children are more harmed by their parents before they are moved, then relocation is correct and necessary. But, if children are moved without good enough reason and put in institutions that obviously do not provide good follow-up and care, there may be other things we should consider as the reason why children from institutions have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Could it be because of injuries caused by moving and what happens after [after being removed from their family], and not before? If so, should the work on safeguarding children’s mental health start somewhere else?
Uncertain sources and unchallenged criticism mean that we do not really know what is going on in the child welfare services. I see many are asking for an external, independent investigation of emergency care orders. Could it be an idea to start there – so we get solid ground under the feet of the measures that ought to happen in this service?
(1) (https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2019/05/24/helsetjenesten-svikter-barn-i-barnevernet/
(2) https://ombarnevernet.wordpress.com/2018/01/03/nei-mari-trommald-denne-studien-gir-deg-ikke-grunnlag-for-a-si-at-8-av-10-foreldre-er-fornoyde-med-barnevernet/