I don’t usually ask this, but please share this post if you are connected to what’s currently happening in Norway.
This is one of those windows of opportunity.
A Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (COE) is currently considering a report called:
“Striking a balance between the best interest of the child and the need to keep the families together».
This COE committee is currently looking into Norway’s Child Welfare Services/System (NCWS), Barnevernet.
To draw the Committee’s attention to the ongoing situation in Norway, it would be a very good idea to send an email to the Secretariat of the Committee, providing the following information:
1. Your name, age, and contact details.
2. Details about your child/children.
3. Details about why NCWS took your child/children away (briefly – only giving facts, and providing evidence where possible)
4. How much contact time you are currently allowed with your child/children.
5. What the Norwegian Courts have said about your case (giving Court judgments where possible).
The email addresses for the Secretariat are:
tanja.kleinsorge@coe.int and maren.lambrecht@coe.int
Tanja Kleinsorge is the Head of the Secretariat and Maren Lamrecht is from the Committee on Social Affairs, Health and Sustainable Development at Council of Europe.
As stated above, this is a good time to send an email to the COE. All the very best!