It’s a risky business having children in Norway these days. According to NRK in Norway, in the first six months of 2018, 30,000 messages of concern were sent to Norway’s Child Welfare System (NCWS). If the people in Norway continue to worry as much in the second half of the year, then 60,000 messages of concern could be received by NCWS in total for 2018.
In 2016 just under 59,000 children were born in Norway and in 2017, just under 57,000 children were born. At this rate, for every child born, a message of concern is sent to NCWS. This is really getting out of hand now.
Berit Aarset, a Norwergian nurse, foster mother/grandmother, leader of Human Rights Alert – Norway (hra-n), wrote:
“From the hundreds of cases we have witnessed, one characteristic is that everyone is expected to report everyone else to Barnevernet for the slightest of “misdemeanours”. This is very similar to how the Stasi operated in East Germany between 1949 to 1990.”
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