Dear Romanian Christians:
I have this last day of this year registered a request for relief with the Norway Royal Palace. This is not the first time I do this kind of pleading to heads of States in my 25+ years of helping the helpless, defeated, and legally ignorant.
I urge those of you who can „copy” or even „tweak” my pleading text, to go to the Norway Royal Court’s website [provided below] and register your own „prayer for relief”. Who knows how God Almighty could work at the heart of the Crown Prince and he can turn this human tragedy into a marvelous joy for the Bodnariu Marius and Ruth family. Here following is my pleading registered with the Royal Court of Norway:
Greetings and Peace,
This pleading for humanitarian relief, regarding the one Romanian family in Norway, currently deprived unjustly of their children, is addressed to HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, with my humble prayer to provide humanitarian relief to the emotionally distressed Romanian couple Bodnariu Marius, and his wife, Ruth.
YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS, be informed that I too was gravely abused for 18 months in a forced labor camp in Romania, in 1970, and I understand well that some time, even our Western governments in their best intentions can err gravely to the point of depriving a legitimate human family of fundamental rights of parenting, proper raising, discipline and guidance toward the adulthood.
Therefore, it is my humble prayer here that YOUR ROYAL HIGHNESS intervene to provide humanitarian relief to Marius Bodnariu and his Norway-born wife Ruth, namely to cause the Norway Government to return the aforementioned family’s children at once. The family suffers emotional distress, as any family that is deprived of its children, and I pray for the relief requested herein.
Dated: December 31, 2015.
Respectfully prayed, by:
Anthony Ianosel, L.C.
Private Legal Consultant & Researcher
Washington, United States of America.
Source: blog