29. og 30. april 2019 ønsker de norske myndighetene å fullføre tvangsadopsjon av Tyler, sønn til Amy Jacobsen. Denne rettssaken kan være Amys siste sjanse til å gjenvinne omsorgen for sitt barn eller i det minste få besøksrettigheter. Foreldrene ble fratatt dette, da Norges barnevern ser Amy’s amerikanske statsborgerskap som en potensiell bortføringsrisiko (jeg har sett det i saksdokumenter.)
Med denne varslingen vil vi støtte Amy & Tyler under rettssaken. Vi ønsker å appellere til den norske regjeringen om å respektere grunnleggende barns rettigheter og å gjenforenes Tyler med sin kjære mor Amy.

Bjørn Kopf skriver på MeetUp.com:
May I ask you to join me for a good cause? Maybe you’re aware of the international criticism Norway faces on its child welfare system. Children are being removed from their parents far too quick for no good reasons. Several of these cases are pending before the European Court of Human Rights. Media like BBC, Arte, ORF and others have reported it.
On July 23rd, 2013, Norway’s Child Protective Services («Barnevernet») took 19-month-old Tyler from his mother Amy Jakobsen, an American citizen. Amy was accused of still nursing Tyler. Doctors told Amy that 19-month-old Tyler should weigh 10 kg (~22lb) instead of 9.6 kg (~21 lb). According to growth charts, 9.6 kg is a completely normal weight for a boy Tyler’s age.
But Barnevernet thought they knew best. They seized Tyler and placed him in a foster home immediately, without any investigation. This is a clear case of Government overreach and a violation of Article 9 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

On 29. & 30. April 2019, the Norwegian authorities want to finalize forced adoption for Tyler through a court trial, even though Tyler asks for his real parents. This court trial might be Amy’s LAST chance to regain custody for her child or at least get visitation rights. The parents were deprived of both as Norway’s CPS views Amy’s American citizenship as a potential abduction risk (I’ve seen that in the case documents.)
With this vigil we want to support Amy & Tyler during the court trial. We want to appeal to the Norwegian Government to respect fundamental Children’s rights and to renunite Tyler with his loving mother Amy.
Detailed background story:
Current online petition:
The vigil will take place in Vienna near the Norwegian Embassy. Posters will be provided.
Address: Reisnerstraße 54-56, 1030 Wien

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