Three days ago, a proposed new welfare law was sent to the Norwegian Government.
The new proposals are not only ridiculous but they also breach the Human Rights of the family (parents and children).
A separate provision in the Child Welfare Act states that it is entitled to deny the parties access to documents if this can cause injury or danger to a child or others.
So, that’s the part the authorities will use to get this through. They will convince a naive and conditioned Norwegian public that this will benefit the child, but this is not about protecting a child. This is about ‘using the child’ to get a law through that will totally dominate and CONTROL the family, without any repercussions.
It could be argued that lawyers for the family will not be necessary, as they will have little to no power in helping them fight for their children if all the documents are hidden.
These new proposals take away even more rights of the child and their parents. In fact, if this law was in place while the Bodnariu children were still captive, in all probability, the children would have never been released until they were 18 years old.
How will parents and families be able to defend themselves if they are denied access to documents that are used in the court system? Who is this proposed law really going to protect? It certainly isn’t the child and most definitely not the parents.
It really is another nail in the coffin for the Norwegian family and most people are so conditioned in Norway that they don’t realise how important it is to protest against such a proposal.
It’s really getting worse and worse. They want to remove a parent’s right to appeal to the higher courts. They want to remove their ‘duty’ to tell parents about starting investigations after reports. They want to be granted by law the right to deny parents their right of reading case documents and so on…
Norway is heading backwards regarding Human Rights, back to all the faults of yesteryear.
The Norwegian people must respond and a campaign must be set up urgently.
Adolf Hitler stated in Mein Kampf:
“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.»
The proposed new law:…/forslag-til-ny-barn…/id2512893/…/Regjeringen-vil-ikke-gi-norske-…
#childabuse #norway