Many people have no idea how the Norwegian Child Welfare Services/System (NCWS) works. A few are helped – that’s true. But, many people think the majority of children were confiscated because of violence, sexual and alcohol abuse – and that’s not true. Norwegian statistics show that ca.10% of children taken away from their families was because of this type of abuse.
Others say, “there must have been something behind it.” “There must have been an extremely good reason to deprive innocent children of their parents.”
Often, there’s nothing to support this type of abuse from (NCWS) – the separation of innocent children from perfectly able and caring parents. It’s nearly always something trivial, misunderstandings, language problems etc.. Norwegian Professor Marianne Haslev Skånland has written numerous articles with regards to the petty reasons that are used to divide and destroy perfectly normal families in Norway.
Another myth, many people in Norway believe is that thorough investigations and concrete proof must have been used to take the children away. I have learned that in many cases, there was no investigation at all, no proof, just assumptions had been made.
Norwegian lawyers are also telling me that hardly any evidence is needed to destroy a perfectly normal family in Norway, unlike in criminal cases like murder or robbery, where close to 100% proof is needed.
Many of the reasons for taking children in Norway would be considered laughable if it wasn’t for the fact that children’s lives are being destroyed daily, in the name of the ‘best interest of the child’ – a mantra often preached in robot like fashion by the Norwegian authorities.
Instead of rescuing children in need, Norway’s Child Welfare Services, Barnevernet, use their resources to turn thousands of normal families in to families in need of rescuing.
If you find yourself on the target list in Norway, it’s wise to leave the country immediately. Your rights as a parent and your children’s rights will not be listened to, or respected by Barnevernet.
Norwegian Politician and former director of a Child Welfare Centre said, “We are driving into the ditch both ways, removing the children we should not, while not removing the children we should!”
Be a voice for the voiceless children in Norway! Get involved, pray and take action – Norwegian children are suffering and they need the international community’s help.