by Steven Bennett
I’m a little suspicious of the press release yesterday by Solveig Horne, Minister of Children and Equality in Norway, in response to the demonstrations held against her CPS on April 16th, 2016. The link at the end of this commentary is a response by Chris Prunean.
Yesterday alone, Norway’s media made incredible attempts of ‘overload,’ trying to convince the population at how terrible everyone they don’t know is of parenting.
There’s also a tragic story currently running in Norway, of a male kindergarten teacher who sexually abused a four year old boy. It’s of course horrendous and sick and extremely sad and painful, but this story has now headlined for the last few days.
This form of coverage/media saturation is called exploitation and media manipulation, which is incredibly prevalent in Norway, attempting to shape everything you read, hear and watch online.
Reports are also focusing on estimations of ‘unrecorded cases’ of children in abusive and/or criminal homes. It seems to be quite a number! Barnevernet will now get even more funding (big numbers) to help tackle this ‘issue.’
They go on to say that they need the children’s help in dealing with these ‘hundreds of unknown cases’ which have recently surfaced. This is a cold hearted attempt to sculptor the minds of part of the Norwegian population, who haven’t yet engaged in this area, to make it even easier to remove innocent children from perfectly healthy families – with very little fuss.
It’s so hard to draw the line between Norway’s CPS, barnevernet, the media, police, psychologists, and the courts etc. – it’s such an undemocratic team effort and in unison, these particular groups are abusing the human rights of its population on a daily basis.
The media are being used (happy to comply, in most instances) in a big way at the moment not to help solve Norway’s horrendous HR abuse issues/problems, but sadly, to compound it. Soon, everyone will be suspicious of everyone else, but themselves. They will think that everyone else is such a terrible parent, and they must be the only normal person in their community.
Yesterday, a parent contacted me. When she lost her children, most of her ‘friends,’ just assumed she must have done something wrong – her ‘friends’ thought this (!!), because why would the authorities just take her children for no reason otherwise. It’s a mindset, and in Norway, it has firmly been set. And, by the way, this lady is a super mum!
Oppressed parents who contact me are so fearful of retaliation, which means, the few hours they see their own children each year will be cut – so, they remain silent – thousands of them. They will choose not to like a post of mine or even share it, because of the informer/snitch mentality. Thousands of families in Norway live in the ‘vacuum of fear.’
Norway’s CPS, barnevernet is creating its own ongoing business – that’s their business, placing, keeping and managing families in a cycle of terror and torment. It has absolutely nothing to do with ‘the best interest of the child.’ This is painfully evident.
No one can protect themselves from false allegations in Norway, and everyone knows someone who has been bullied out of their job. Narcissistic behaviour and a lack of empathy are richly prevalent in this society.
Just the threat alone of having your child confiscated for trivial reasons is enough to cause both child and parent an unspeakable amount of agony and horror – the idea on its own would be twisted, demented and insanely cruel.
Norway’s State sponsored child removals/kidnaps is as grotesque as a massacre of the family. What’s happening in Norway in 2016? State-sponsored kidnaps and enforced disappearance of children, with ‘service workers’ working in unison to systematically and ruthlessly break the bond between parents and children.
Around 77% of the Norwegian workforce are civil servants and one of the biggest nightmares for public service workers is the termination of their job, because their service is no longer needed. There are big financial motivations to remove children, as the service worker’s salary and livelihood depend on it, but how can a group of ‘professionals’ commit such heinous and vile crimes against children and their parents – with such spiteful cruelty?
Norway, PLEASE LET THE CHILDREN BE SET FREE and end this system and cycle of abuse towards families, perpetrated by your CPS, barnevernet.…/press-release-from-barneverne…/
#stopbarnevernet #NorwayReturntheChildrentoBodnariuFamily
#childabuse #bodnariufamily #norway #stoplegalkidnappinginnorway#NorwayGiveUsBacktheChildrenYouStole #PrayforRuthandMariusBodnariu #april16