Norway’s Child Welfare System/Services (NCWS) – Barnevernet.
A Terror Organisation?
By Norwegian Lifestyle and Business Coach Maria Øyhaugen
I have always engaged in politics, but lately a certain institution caught my attention – Norway’s Child Welfare Services. I think very few people really know what is actually going on backstage in this organisation.
One thing I can say for sure – the Norwegian Child Welfare Services is internationally referred to as a terror organisation. A terror organisation governed by the state – who would believe this to be true in the best country in the world?
I didn’t believe this myself until I experienced NCWS close up. In actual fact, so close, that they were even trying to get hold of my own family by using false documentation. We eventually got rid of them, but so many more people are struggling.
Someone who worked for NCWS commented:
I ended my child welfare education after six months of practice at a Barnevernet office. I was shocked by what I experienced there. The first thing to greet me as I arrived was on the manager’s bookshelf, and there, in plain sight, was ‘Mein Kampf’ by Adolf Hitler – insane.
At first, I thought it was only the manager who was a bit disturbed, but later on I experienced a variety of things. The first time I participated at a parental ‘interview’, with a single mother, the manager said to me right before the meeting, “Break her!”
I was then put on a course in ‘interview techniques’ and the trainer went immediately into using Gestapo type interrogation methods. What does this tell you? Is this OK? Or should something be done about this? And don’t say it is only that one Barnevernet office.
There was also another office, a different one to the one I was in contact with – and I still recognise it all. I am not saying all Barnevernet workers behave like this, because I know that good people also work there. The problem is, there are too many of these power hungry people working there, and they possess far too much power.
Thousands rage against Barnevernet. More than likely, some of them don’t have a reason to do it. But, do you really think that all of these people were such lousy parents, to an extent, that they were not allowed to keep their children?
Do you really support that poor eye contact is enough for a child to be taken away from his/her parents? I do not wish to say if Barnevernet is a terror organisation, but there are obviously serious errors in the system and this NEEDS to be changed!
Link to the Norwegian article—en-terrororganisasjon-20478677