Tomáš Zdechovský MEP writes on his blog:/
I have received several letters from people who were seeking my help in their cases involving taking of their children abroad. In this article, I would like to mention a case of parents – Slovak and Norwegian citizen Simone M., who naively thought that the Norwegian Social Service Barnevernet will help them. Unfortunately, they became its victims.
I was shocked by this case but not surprised by its absurdity and by the nonsensical process of taking children by Barnevernet coming without any prior warning.
Even before we get to the developments in this case, it is necessary to mention one thing. Mother of the child in question is deaf, which in no way can be a reason for taking of her child. This mothers´ handicap does not need to mean a reason for worse upbringing of infants. Especially, when the other parent is healthy and able to help with upbringing, as is the case of Mr L.
READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE on Tomáš Zdechovský’s blog