Vi gjengir her en artikkel skrevet av en pastor i en amerikansk pinsemenighet som har involvert seg i en norsk/rumensk barnevernssak:

by Christian Oenescu
Pastor Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church Chicago, USA
Just received another article published by a Norwegian Christian journal. The automatic translation is somewhat difficult to follow, but good enough to understand the general idea.
And it’s all wrong!
First, the premise from which they start the argument, the laws in Norway on child education and discipline: who is deciding the what and how about it and who is better qualified to do it, the parents or the government? They decidedly think it’s the State!
Secondly, they put on the immediate family the responsibility for not getting enough information, which is nonsense since the very same laws are preventing them from openly talking about the case. Of course, the government cannot prevent them from sharing their sorrow with the extended family and friends, so ultimately you need to make a decision: you will either believe that the laws are good, the State is righteous, these parents are monsters and the best interest of the children is to take them away from the natural environment of the family and create an artificial utopia, which by the way, many more times than otherwise has proven to be toxic for the development of a child, or trust the parents with raising their children as they see fit, provided the life and moral integrity of the child is not in imminent danger. But even then, such assessments could be subject to interpretation and abuse. In the end, the media has only Barnevernet to blame for the lack of meaningful information about disputed cases, but you have to ask yourselves, who is benefiting from this… confidentiality?
I say, if the parents are not contesting the charges, keep the matter private! But if the parents are fighting back, be as transparent as possible!
Still, there are too many things Barnevernet need to and should answer for:
- Why did they – allegedly, yes, but by so many parties involved with such cases – try to prevent the Bodnarius from getting legal representation?
- Why did their agents try to coerce Ruth, than Marius, to turn against each other? Is this a case of overzelotry or is it a manner in which they conduct their affairs? This too had been documented as a common procedure!
- Why did their agents, otherwise so committed to confidentiality and… professionalism, terrorize Marius and Ruth with inside information of the great indifference of the older children toward their parents and the immediate good disposition toward their new environment?
- Why did they break even their already harsh and anti-parents laws, by not allowing the mother immediate acces to the baby?
- What kind of an organization is this, that tells the parents as they are waiting to see their boys, that Barnevernet had… forgot to bring them for the visitation!?
- What kind of an institution can be so independent that the monarchy, the government, the courts have absolutely no power over them: there is a case that had been won in the Norwegian Supreme Court, but Barnevernet had managed to ignore it for almost two years and still placed those children for adoption! By the way, that happens to be another Romanian family!
I say, Christian media, organizations and governmental institutions in Norway: you had become accomplices, facilitators and defenders to this ruthless, barbaric and godless system! Shame on you!
You hide behind bad laws instead of challenging and changing them!
You cower from and cater to this evil institution of so called child protection services instead of confronting it!
I’d rather be proven wrong for fighting for the wrong cause even if uninformed, than accepting the story of the State institutions, unfiltered and unchallenged!
Kilde: Christian Oenescu’s blog
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